Middle School Art 2021


Middle School Art

Middle School Visual Art provides developmental pathways to challenge students to think critically, expand ways they construct meaning and explore self-expression in the complex and fast evolving world around them. Contemporary Arts programs should provide challenging and rewarding experiences for students that acknowledge the traditional and diverse foundations of each distinct discipline, whilst connecting to and retaining relevance in a rapidly evolving contemporary landscape. The Arts are uniquely positioned to foster a distinct set of ‘soft’ and interchangeable skills that we know to be increasingly important to young people in their world beyond school. Skills such as creative thinking, problem solving, persistence, lateral thinking, communication and self-expression are all transferrable skills imbedded into the these courses for that exact reason. These are complimented by the development of key technical skills in several main studio areas to underpin their transition into the Senior School Visual Arts programs and beyond. Our hope also, is that Visual Art is a fun, engaging and enjoyable experience that enhances their sense of well-being and personal achievement at this level of their educational journey.